Export from darktable
Export from darktable

So bearing in mind the limits of quality in an imported RAW file from this platform what might one do different to insure highest jpg results? I really want some new glass and a new(er) body but given prices and the fact that I am retired and have a limited budget that wont happen quickly. So to export the highest quality jpg what should settings in export be? Another thing to consider is that I am shooting an Olympus OMD EM5- original version that I purchased in 2012 along with its Olympus 12-50 3.5-6-3 kit lens. I run my workflow where if I want changes in a shot after the first edit and export to jpg go round (and this is frequent that I do) I go back and make changes in the RAW file which is saved in archives in my workflow and then re export it. From my understanding jpg is lossy with further editing. I also understand that under format options earlier in the export panel one has the option to choose 8 bit jpg and a number of others. Should these be set to yes for higher quality jpg results? Also there are a plethora of other selections under profile, intent and style. I also note that both upscaling and high quality resampling default to "no" when left alone. I am assuming that the additional file size and quality might show up in what-a really large monitor or in printing or? I was expecting with a file size roughly 10 times larger for the same image developed from ORF and the same processing- only changing the quality slider, that there might be some discernible "oh wow" difference but i just do not see it. Bear in mind that I run a pair of BenQ 24" monitors, several years old, on the machine I do my editing on. In viewing them side by side I can not see any marked difference. Exporting to jpg at 90% quality might yield a 1.4 MB file where moving the slider to 100% yields a 14 MB file.

export from darktable

In the export settings under jpg 8 bit the quality slider goes from 0 to 100. I shoot RAW- Oly ORF, import that to Darktable and make the changes I want in each photo.

Export from darktable